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Young Carers

Bramhall High School is proud to announce that we have been given the bronze award by Carers Trust & The Children’s Society for our work with young carers.

A young carer is a person under 25 who provides or intends to provide care for another person who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition or addiction problem.

For more information about how we can support you please see the additional information on this page or come along to one of our drop-in sessions.

The Young Carers notice board outside the main reception provides details and dates of upcoming events, activities, and meetings for Young Carers.

Alternatively speak to Ms Kennedy (Young Carers Lead) Mr Taylor (Young Carers Support), your Head of Year, or any member of staff.

You can also visit:

Young Carer Description

Bramhall High School is committed to identifying and supporting all our young carers ensuring they have unhindered access to education and the other activities that students can engage in to support their overall well-being and personal growth.


A young carer is a person under 25 who provides or intends to provide care for another person who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition or addiction problem.


The help a Young Carer may give could be shopping, making meals, doing the laundry, helping out with nursing care such as giving medication, or perhaps helping someone dress or get in and out of bed. 


We know that young carers may need a little extra support to enjoy and do well at school and we are committed to ensuring that all pupils who are young carers are identified and supported effectively.


If you think you may be a Young Carer or require further information on Young Carers please speak to Ms Kennedy (Young Carers Lead) Mr Taylor (Young Carers Support), your Head of Year, or any member of staff.

You can also visit:


Mr Taylor
(Young Carers Support)

Ms Kennedy
(Young Carers Lead)

Young Carers Checklist

Checklist of signs a pupil is a young carer.

A young carer is someone who helps to look after a relative or friend, who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, or misuses drugs or alcohol.

Each young carer is unique however there may be some identifying features. Although these signs may be indicators of other issues, knowing these signs can help staff build up a picture of a pupil and ask the right questions to first identify and then provide support to that young carer.


Is the pupil:

A need or desire to be in regular contact with home or concerned about an ill or disabled relative.

Regularly late to school or absent.

Low confidence / self-esteem / depressed.

Often tired, anxious, or withdrawn.

Have problems socially or with making friends but conversely get on well with adults and present as very mature for their age.

A victim of bullying.

Finds it difficult to concentrate on their work.

Having difficulty in joining in extracurricular activities or unable to attend school trips.

Not handing in their homework on time, or completing it late and to a low standard.

Displaying behavioural problems.

Having physical problems such as back pain (as a result of heavy lifting).

Secretive about their home life.

Showing signs of physical neglect or poor diet, for example hungry, thin or lacking clean uniform.

Listed as a Child in Need, subject to a Child Protection plan, or Looked-after Child Plan where parental ill health or addiction issues are involved.

Has a sibling at school who is registered with disabilities or health problems.


Are parents (or another relative):

Disabled or do they have an illness or addiction problem? (Remember that not all children who have a family member who is ill or disabled or has an addiction problem is a young carer).

Difficult to engage with?

Not attending parent’s evenings?

Not communicating with school?

On low incomes, and unable to afford school related expenses? This may be because of disability related unemployment.


If you suspect someone may be a Young Carer or require further help or information please speak to Ms Kennedy (Young Carers Lead) Mr Taylor (Young Carers Support), your Head of Year, or any member of staff.

You can also visit:

Bramhall High School, Seal Road, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2JT

0161 439 8045