Bramhall High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All Stockport schools, including Bramhall High School, follow the Stockport Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures.
At Bramhall High school we will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents/carers about their child/ren; however, there may be exceptional circumstances when we will discuss concerns with Social Care/Police without parental/carer knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures). We will always aim to maintain a positive relationship with parents/carers. The school’s Child Protection Policy is detailed within the wider Safeguarding Policy on the school website.
Mr Paul Williams is Headteacher. Both he and the Chair of Governors, Mrs Sarah Brown, have undertaken Safer Recruitment training.
Miss Janet Kennedy is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Mrs Sue Ahmed is the Deputy DSL. Both have undertaken significant statutory and additional safeguarding training including Recognising and Preventing Radicalisation; Recognising and Preventing Female Genital Mutilation; Forced Marriage; Child Sexual exploitation and Keeping Children Safe On-Line.
Mrs Heather Renshaw is our safeguarding Governor. All staff and governors have Safeguarding training.
If you require our Safeguarding Policy in a language other than English, or in a different format, please ask at main reception.
Who is responsible for safeguarding & well being in school
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Miss Janet Kennedy
Deputy DSL – Mrs Sue Ahmed
What to do if you have a concern about yourself or another person. Talk to or contact:
- Your Form Tutor
- The Medical Needs Coordinator/Assistant
- Head of Year
- The Safeguarding Leads
- Any adult you feel comfortable talking to
Behaviour Statement for visitors to school, including parents/carers.
We believe Bramhall High School is, and must always be, a safe and welcoming place for pupils, staff, parents/carers and visitors. We have legal responsibilities for the safeguarding and wellbeing of pupils and staff and a duty of care to all users of our school.
All adults entering our school at any time, set examples of behaviour and conduct, which influence pupils; therefore, we believe, all adults should demonstrate high standards of conduct in order to encourage pupils to do the same. Parents/carers must show respect to other parents/carers and to school staff and pupils at all times. Adults who do not behave in an acceptable manner may be asked to leave site and the Headteacher has the right to restrict further access.
Behaviour considered unacceptable in our school:
- Physical abuse, threatening, oppressive or aggressive behaviour or offensive language.
- Discriminatory language/behaviour, direct or indirect.
- Harassment.
- Victimisation.
- Entering the school under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Smoking anywhere on school site.
- Bringing dogs, with the exception of Assistant Dogs, on to site without the explicit permission of the Headteacher.
School-related issues should be brought to the attention of staff, not dealt with directly by parents/carers.
All school-related issues should be brought to the attention of staff, not dealt with directly by parents/carers.
Operation Encompass
As part of Bramhall High School’s commitment to keeping young people safe, we have signed up to implement the principles and aims of Operation Encompass. This is a information sharing partnership between police and education that enables us to offer immediate support for students experiencing domestic abuse.
In signing up to Encompass, the Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team will:
- Endorse the Encompass model and support the key adults (safeguarding leads) the fulfil the requirements of the Encompass Protocol;
- Promote and implement Encompass processes and use these in accordance with internal safeguarding young people processes;
- Recognise the sensitive nature of the information provided and ensure that it is retained in accordance with the principles of data protection.
For more information please email:
Prevent Duty - Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation
School Ethos
Bramhall High School is committed to providing a secure environment for all of our pupils, staff and visitors. We promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. We teach and encourage pupils to respect one another and to respect and tolerate difference, especially those of a different faith or no faith. It is our most fundamental responsibility to keep our pupils safe and prepare them for life in modern Britain and globally.
We recognise that, as in all schools, there is a risk that pupils could be drawn in to extremism and radicalisation. Since 2010, when the Government published the Prevent Strategy, there has been an awareness of the specific need to safeguard children, young people and families from violent extremism. There have been several occasions both regionally and nationally in which extremist groups have attempted to radicalise vulnerable children and young people to hold extreme views including views justifying political, religious, sexist or prejudice-based violence, or to steer them into a rigid and narrow ideology that is intolerant of diversity and leaves them vulnerable to future radicalisation. In Stockport, we are seeing the emergence of ‘mixed, unstable or unclear ideologies. This is where children and young people show or display a combination of elements from multiple ideologies (mixed), shift between different ideologies (unstable), and/or where the individual does not present a coherent ideology but may still pose a terrorism risk (unclear).
Bramhall High School values freedom of speech and the expression of beliefs and ideology as fundamental rights underpinning our society’s values. Both pupils and teachers have the right to speak freely and voice their opinions. Freedom, however, comes with responsibility and free speech that is designed to manipulate the vulnerable or that leads to violence and harm of others goes against the values of our school which include equality, human rights, community safety and community cohesion.
Bramhall High School is clear that extremism and radicalisation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern. We welcome our duty to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This duty is known as the Prevent Duty.
There is no place for extremist views of any kind in our school, whether from internal sources – pupils, staff or governors, or external sources - external agencies or individuals.
It is imperative that school is a safe place where pupils can discuss and explore controversial issues safely, and in an unbiased way, and where our staff encourage and facilitate this.
Extremists of all persuasions aim to develop destructive relationships between different communities by promoting division, fear and mistrust of others based on ignorance or prejudice and thereby limiting the life chances of young people.
Education is a powerful weapon against this; it equips pupils with the knowledge, skills and critical thinking, to challenge and debate in an informed way.
The Curriculum
At Bramhall High School we provide a broad and balanced curriculum. It is delivered by skilled professionals so that our pupils are enriched, understand and become tolerant of difference and diversity, are able to thrive, feel valued and are encouraged to question and understand the wider world in which we live.
Through the Personal Development curriculum, lessons include units on politics, grooming, extremism/preventing extremism, exploitation and e-safety.
Extra-curricular activities
Beyond the classroom pupils also engage in a wide range of activities that build confidence and resilience and broaden our pupils’ horizons. Much of this is through our successful House System. Examples that are particularly relevant to building British Values are:
- Mock elections and Pupil Leadership elections.
- Trips France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland.
- Battlefields Trip (History).
- Expedition to Borneo in 2019 and future expeditions.
- Working towards becoming a Rainbow Flag school.
- Working towards securing an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Mark.
- Pupil leadership opportunities through the House system, Prefects system and Subject Leadership system.
- Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Safeguarding and celebrating diversity
We are proud of the work we do to combat bullying and to safeguard our pupils. This includes:
- Promotion of LGBTQI+ through learning, peer support groups, any gender lavatories.
- Promotion of different faiths through learning, peer support groups and a multi-faith prayer room (wash facilities are also available for pupils wishing to perform Wudu before prayer).
- Promotion of wellbeing through learning, peer support groups (Stamp Out Stigma ambassadors) and a dedicated pupil wellbeing centre.
- Promotion of inclusion through learning, peer support groups and a dedicated quiet and supported social space (Chill Out).
Internet safety
We are aware that pupils can be exposed to extremist influences or prejudiced views from an early age which emanate from a variety of sources and media, including via the internet. E-safety is an important part of the work we do as a school. We ensure that suitable filtering and monitoring is in place to protect pupils from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school. More generally, we have an important role to play in equipping pupils to stay safe online, both in school and outside. Internet safety is integral to our Computing curriculum and is reinforced through Personal Development provision.
Stockport's Online Safety Hub is a brand-new online resource with lots of expert advice and guidance to help parents and carers manage children's safety online:
Online Safety Hub - Stockport LA
Staff Training
All staff and governors undertake general awareness training that introduces topics including how to identify factors that can make people vulnerable to radicalisation, and case studies illustrating the types of intervention that may be appropriate.
The school Designated Safeguarding Lead is our Prevent Single Point of Contact and has undertaken Prevent awareness training and is able to provide advice and support to other members of staff on protecting children from the risk of radicalisation.
Sources of support:
Online Safety Hub - Stockport LA
Other documents:
Further Help
School nurse - Monday (appointments only) and Wednesday lunchtime drop-in. Confidential information and advice on:
- Relationships
- Smoking/drugs/alcohol
- Mental well-being
- Safeguarding
- Screening
- Healthy eating/exercise
- Bullying
- Medical needs
- Sexual health
- Relationships
Medical Needs Coordinator/Assistant – During break and lunch – drop in out of lesson time
Sign post for Young Carers – drop in Wednesday lunch
Mosaic – information & advice on substance misuse – Tuesdays by appointment.
Beacon Counselling – Mondays by appointment.
Central Youth – Stockport’s confidential advice, information & counselling on all relationship issues
LGBT Group – 07530316656
Get connected – free confidential help for under 25s – – 08088084994 – Text 80849
Child Sexual Exploitation – Police Child Sexual Exploitation Team 856 9610/9742
Stockport without abuse – concerns over domestic abuse 0161 477 4271
Think U Know – internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know. Learn about online safety when using blogs, chatting, and online gaming
Protect Young Eyes – risk profiles for many apps used by young people
PAPYRUS – For concerns around not coping with life, low mood, suicidal feelings. Talk to PAPYRUS
A free national helpline that offers confidential, practical advice and support for the prevention of young suicide.
SMS: 07786209697
HOPELineUK: 0800 068 4141
Opening Hours
10am – 10pm ( weekdays)
2pm – 10pm ( weekends)
2pm – 5pm ( Bank Holidays)