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About Us


Bramhall High School is part of Stockport Local Authority. As such we are governed by the Stockport LA admissions policy. The LA has set the school’s published admission number (PAN) at 270 per year. The PAN is the maximum number of pupils that the admission authority will admit to each year group.

To see the Stockport LA admission policy and other relevant information please click here.

Stockport School admissions team can be contacted on the following telephone number:
Stockport School Admissions: 0161 217 6022


1. How do I apply for a place at Bramhall High School?
Applications to Stockport secondary schools are all online. Please use the link below.

2. When do I apply?
The forms will be sent to you, via your child’s Primary School, in September, just after your child has started in Year 6.

3. What happens after I’ve submitted my request?
The allocation process is a lengthy one. You will receive confirmation of receipt of your request initially and then nothing more until February, when you will receive a letter from Stockport Admissions to your home address, advising you which school your child has been offered a place.

4. Will I be accepted at Bramhall High School?
If you live in the local area and/or attend one of its associated primary schools and choose Bramhall High School as your first preference, you are likely to be offered a place. If you live outside of the local area, it will be dependent on whether there are any places available after the initial allocation. It is possible to appeal for a place at Bramhall High if you are not happy with the school allocated to your child.


Transition from Primary School to Secondary School can be a stressful time for both students and parents/carers alike. Here at Bramhall High School we have a dedicated transition team to help smooth the way; Mr J Flynn (Head of Year 7) and Ms C Lewis (SLT Lead on Transition). If you have any queries or would like to book a school tour please contact our transition team on 0161 439 8045 or email


Bramhall High School, Seal Road, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2JT

0161 439 8045