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Registered Charity No. 1027394


The money raised by Bramhall High PTA is vital to provide the extras, and even some essentials, that make a real difference to the education of our children. The Head Teacher and staff do a great job of making the most of available resources however the fundraising work of the PTA really is needed.

We aim to meet once every half-term to review ongoing activities and discuss funding requests from school departments and the Head Teacher – everyone is welcome to come along.

What do we do?

Our fundraising activities are great fun and provide an opportunity to meet and get to know other parents. These include: Christmas Fair; student Bag Pack; Family Quiz Night; and a Band & Curry Evening. We also generate funds via the PTA Lottery and Easyfundraising (payments received for online purchases).

What happens to the money we raise?

We aim to cover a good cross-section of the school’s departments ensuring that all our students benefit in some way from the funds we have provided: recently we were able to give the school £14,000 which has been spent on upgraded and new computers for the Learning Point; visualisers and mini ipads for Science; CDs and reading cards for the Foreign Language dept; rowing machines and mixed music CDs for PE; a projector, speaker and DVD player for History; and heatproof safety aprons for Food Tech.
In the past, we have contributed lump sums to the refectory (£22,000) and the new LRC/library (£10,000) as well as providing an upgraded sound/visuals system for the main hall which has benefited all students and in particular those who are involved in the Music and Drama departments.

  • How can you help?
    Register with Easyfundraising: this is by far the easiest way to help and potentially the most lucrative – There are hundreds of participating retailers and you will be donating to the school at no cost to you just by shopping online.
  • Join the PTA Lottery – help the school and be in with a chance to win some money. See below for full details.
  • Attend our social events – Quiz Night, Band & Curry Evening, Christmas Fair.
  • Volunteer a couple of hours to help at the above events – email the contact below.
  • Make a donation – you can contribute any amount at any time: cash, or a cheque (made payable to Bramhall High PTA), can be handed in at the main office.

We lose a lot of dedicated PTA parents every year as their children finish Year 11 so we really need plenty of new parents to get involved and show their support when their children join the school; please do not hesitate to contact us via the email address supplied below if you wish to help or require information about our next meeting.

Best regards

Bramhall High PTA


Welcome to Bramhall High School lottery. This lottery has been set up specifically to raise money and make a difference for our children!

It's a fantastic way to bring Parents, Carers, Teachers and the wider community together, in partnership with our school, and at the same time give something back. We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children - we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities such as music, art and sport.

Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!

To find out more and buy tickets click the link below:


Bramhall High School, Seal Road, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2JT

0161 439 8045